Deeper Ministry Explored
How do we practice the presence of the Holy Spirit? When can we learn to experience and exercise his gifts? Who can demonstrate and train us in ministering to others in the power of the Holy Spirit? Where can we go to lean into deeper worship and supernatural healing?
Deeper is a monthly Friday night service shared by three AMiA churches in Dallas to address those very questions. Clergy, members and guests from All Saints, St. Bartholomew’s and St. Patrick’s come together to experience faith-filled prayer, worship and encounter, giving space for the Spirit to work among our growing communities.
The service is modeled after the late Bishop Chuck Murphy’s historic Friday evening Winter Conference Worship and Healing Service, called First Fruits. In the years after planting All Saints Dallas, +Philip Jones implemented First Fruits as a monthly worship night. Over the years these special services deepened a sense of belonging and brought healing and the fruits of the Spirit in the normal streams of All Saints, making the supernatural natural. “We have seen God meet needs in extraordinary ways,” +Philip reports. “People come in thirsty and go out full. The hurting head home healed. Those eager to worship leave in wonderment and awe.”
At Living Classroom 2022 (AMiA’s hands-on three-stream living training event), clergy and laymen from around the country had the opportunity to experience a Deeper service. Several came away with a vision for how such a monthly ministry could help address some of the deepest needs in their congregations and help their members be better equipped to be a blessing to others.
Click here for the Deeper service outline and notes used at Living Classroom 2022.
To learn more about Deeper, contact Dave Larlee at
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