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The Anglican Mission in America, a Three-Stream Missionary Society
By Mike Blanchat, Chairman of the Board and Executive Director of AMiA I recently had the opportunity to go through the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA) archives of the last 25 years as part of a process of receiving gifts and grants to our society. As I read and looked through our founding documents, statements and actions, I was struck by three things: 1) the prophetic insights of our founders—both lay and ordained—for the AMiA as a missionary society, 2)…
Praying for Pets and Their People at the Blessing of the Animals
By Caleb+ Miller, Rector of Immanuel Anglican Church in Destin, Florida Many of us love our pets, but how many of us regularly pray for them? It’s an interesting question. Now, of course, animals are not made in the image of God, but they are God’s creatures, and we recognize them as part of his creative artistry. Caring for, watching over and responsibly using God’s creation has been a part of humanity’s responsibility, given by God, since the earliest pages…
Re-Forming Faith Series
How can the ancient teachings of Jesus be understood in the modern world? All Saints Dallas will be exploring this challenging question through a six-week course starting October 9th. Re-Forming Faith is designed for those giving the Christian faith another try. Over a meal and non-judgmental conversation, participants will engage those topics that initially led them away from the church, from church-abuse to sex to politics. * Session 1: Post-Post-Christian: What does faith look like after a season of deconstruction?…
Rest, Receive, Restore: Creating Space for Those Who Serve at the Abbey
“No one was there more than an hour, but it seemed like it had been hours.” That’s how Bob+ Grant, Assistant Pastor at the Abbey at Pawley’s Island, recalls the church’s recent Night of Rest. The event gave those who serve in the church a time to receive and be restored, and it was thoughtfully designed “to create a space and a place where people could come in and just relax and receive.” Bob+, who is well into his sixth…
Growing in Grace Ministry
By Rev. Dr. Tony Davis, Associate Priest, St. Andrew’s Church, Little Rock If one were to walk into St. Andrew’s narthex at 5:45 p.m. on a Wednesday evening (except for Christmas and New Year’s) you would walk into a motley hive of fellowship, breaking bread, prayer, worship and praise. Bill Carpenter, the steward of this Wednesday night ministry, prays a blessing over the food that is prepared. Then the roughly 100 people gathered enjoy a meal, sing along with Michael…
“I was in prison, and you came to visit me.”
By AMiA Communications As followers of Christ, we are stirred to action by his words and by other admonitions in Scripture. Two churches within the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA) have taken up the call from Hebrews to: “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison” and are actively partnering with prison ministries. In Little Rock, Arkansas, Gil Gilbert heads up the prison outreach for St. Andrew’s Church. Serving through Kairos, a volunteer, lay-led,…
Networking Mental Health Professionals Within the Church
By Dr. Nathaniel R. Strenger, All Saints Dallas When certain members of All Saints Anglican Church in Dallas discovered that the congregation was home to many licensed and trained mental health practitioners (that is psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, social workers and chaplains), they invited these professionals to coalesce around a series of introductory committee meetings. The questions were posed: How can we offer our skill sets to All Saints? What does the church need from us? And ideas abounded. All while…
Live the Mission 2024: Our Call to Gospel Hope
From February 22-24, 150 clergy and lay leaders, including some of our international partners, gathered for Live the Mission 2024 at St. Andrew’s in Little Rock. What a blessing it was to be together to learn, listen and fellowship as we focused on “A Call to Gospel Hope”! Check out the videos and gallery below for highlights of our time together! Opening Worship As our Lead Bishop, Philip Jones, shared in his opening message, we never hope in vain. Amid…
Thanks From an International Partner in Southeast Asia
The AMiA recently received a letter of thanks from Bishop James, one of the AMiA’s international partners who serves in Southeast Asia, for the AMiA’s contribution to his Diocese’s rice program: “A heartfelt thanks to you for your great generous contribution, showing love and unmeasurable concern to our Diocese. … We remember you in our prayers and hope that you will continually be able to pray and consider with us together for the glory of God. Please remember us too…
What Winter Conference Means to Me
Editor’s Note: February 22-24, 2024 the Anglican Mission in America will hold its annual Winter Conference, Live the Mission. We asked Beka LeMaster to share with us why attending such meetings has been meaningful to her. My first experience with the AMiA’s annual winter gathering was in 2011. I had only been on staff at St. Andrew’s for a short eight months and was very new to Anglicanism. As a Pentecostal pastor’s kid, I’d attended more than my fair…
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