Live the Mission 2024: Our Call to Gospel Hope
From February 22-24, 150 clergy and lay leaders, including some of our international partners, gathered for Live the Mission 2024 at St. Andrew’s in Little Rock. What a blessing it was to be together to learn, listen and fellowship as we focused on “A Call to Gospel Hope”!
Check out the videos and gallery below for highlights of our time together!
Opening Worship
As our Lead Bishop, Philip Jones, shared in his opening message, we never hope in vain. Amid all the things going on in our world, in our country, in our families and in our lives, our hope is not in ourselves but in Jesus Christ.
Our Guest Speaker, Malcolm+ Guite
We were incredibly blessed to hear from poet and priest Malcolm+ Guite twice on Friday at Live the Mission.
Consecration of +Robert Cook
On Friday evening of Live the Mission, we rejoiced in the consecration of the AMiA’s new bishop, +Robert Cook. If you weren’t able to join us in person, please watch and celebrate with us!
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