News & Updates from Around AMiA

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Thanks From an International Partner in Southeast Asia

The AMiA recently received a letter of thanks from Bishop James, one of the AMiA’s international partners who serves in Southeast Asia, for the AMiA’s contribution to his Diocese’s rice program: “A heartfelt thanks to you for your great generous contribution, showing love and unmeasurable concern to our Diocese. … We remember you in our prayers and hope that you will continually be able to pray and consider with us together for the glory of God. Please remember us too…

What Winter Conference Means to Me

Editor’s Note: February 22-24, 2024 the Anglican Mission in America will hold its annual Winter Conference, Live the Mission. We asked Beka LeMaster to share with us why attending such meetings has been meaningful to her.   My first experience with the AMiA’s annual winter gathering was in 2011. I had only been on staff at St. Andrew’s for a short eight months and was very new to Anglicanism. As a Pentecostal pastor’s kid, I’d attended more than my fair…


By Dr. Jerry Richardson, St. Andrews, Little Rock The last 30 years have seen a decline of the church in much of the world and certainly in North America. The Next30 Conference, hosted by St. Andrew’s Church in Little Rock, represented a gathering of leaders who are seeing newly planted churches grow and flourish. It was a privilege to be with this Kingdom-minded crowd that used the three days to teach, share stories and experiences, discuss and swap lessons learned…

A Sacred Interlude: AMiA Clergy on the Coast Retreat

By David+ Larlee, Rector, St. Bartholomew’s Dallas, TX For my 43rd birthday, my son Thomas bought me a small figurine he found at a local antique store. It was of a buffalo, and he had been drawn to it. It was only later that the significance of that gift hit home. When storms hit, buffalo, unlike other cattle, don’t run away from them. When a storm is approaching, their instincts lead them to run directly into it. This may seem…

Find an AMiA Military Chaplain

By Bryan+ Patrick, AMiA’s director for military affairs and vocational chaplains The Anglican Mission in America recently launched an important update to our website that highlights our military chaplains—an important part of our mission to reach the lost for Jesus Christ in the United States. I encourage you to take a moment and explore the “Find AMiA Chaplains” page here. When you do, you will see some familiar faces and learn about their past and present service to our country…

Foundations for Community: Summer Kids and Youth Programs at Grace Northridge

Summer time is traditionally the season for churches to hold special programs for children and youth. Grace Northridge is a member of the Anglican Mission in America and took some unique approaches in developing their summer fun this year.  Teaching Children to Be Builders For three evenings in June, 25 children ages 3 through fifth grade at Grace Northridge (San Antonio) learned to be builders. With the wraparound theme of “Jesus, our Strong Foundation,” the kids put on construction vests…

Summer Adventures: All Saints Dallas Kids

By  Dr. Robin Turner, Director of Family Ministries at All Saints Dallas This June, our All Saints Dallas Family Ministries team hosted two sets of nontraditional summer programming for families, crafted to accomplish our goals of fellowship and formation while taking into account some of our obstacles like low volunteer bandwidth and serving families who live across our whole metroplex. Our first program, Summer Adventures, grew out of a desire to make time and space for play, fellowship and spiritual…

Evidence of God’s Goodness in Southeast Asia

We praise God for what he continues to do through our international partners! Bishop James Min Dein, who serves in Southeast Asia, shares that approximately 200 people attended a recent Bible conference and Diocesan Council, an experience they found both touching and enjoyable. On February 24 and 25, they celebrated the Archbishop Stephen’s birthday and dedicated a new cathedral signboard. Bishop James asks for prayer as the diocese plans to hold a Catechist Conference and special Bible training this year…

Living the Mission in 2023

What does Three-Stream Anglicanism look like? For three days, February 16-18, 2023, we gathered to consider how we as a mission balance Scripture, Sacrament and Spirit. Over 160 clergy and lay leaders attended Live the Mission, including representatives from approximately 15 churches and numerous guests from churches outside the AMiA. During our time together we heard not only from those within our mission but also from featured speakers: university president, professor and author Gordon T. Smith, Novo Prayer Mission International…

Living the Mission – Military Chaplains

“We are a mission; nothing more, nothing less.” As I think about gathering with you in Dallas next month, for the Live the Mission gathering, I can hear our founding bishop, Chuck Murphy, reminding me—reminding us—of who we are and what we do, capturing in just those eight words our identity and our calling together as the Anglican Mission in America.